
Cecil Swyers
Company History
For decades, optometrists and ophthalmologists around the world have relied on CBD/Tomey USA to provide them with the latest diagnostic instrumentation. As the company develops each of its devices, it follows a simple yet powerful credo, which is to design products driven by the most advanced technologies that are also equipped with easy-to-operate user interfaces.
CBD/Tomey USA has been a pioneer in corneal topography, and its devices feature innovative touch screen technology that enables simple and efficient utilization of comprehensive software and statistical packages, as well as capabilities such as map customization, auto-shot and auto-alignment. Its commitment to user-friendliness and highly accurate and repeatable test results extends to all of its products, which include not only corneal topographers but also autolensmeters, autorefractors, autorefractor/keratometers and ultrasound systems. All are designed for the modern busy practice, compact and maximized for efficiency. Many of these cutting-edge devices combine multiple modalities in one unit. They are also designed with patient and operator comfort in mind and manufactured for durability.
For state-of-the-art diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, ease-of-use — and affordability — CBD/Tomey USA is the go-to organization.
“I wanted to tell you about a great human being … that would be Cecil Swyers the president of Tomey USA. I am the Executive Director of Eye Care For Kids in Southern Nevada and we provide vision care to the roughly 65,000 thousand children who need glasses and cannot afford them in the 320,000 member Clark County School District, Nevada. Cecil sells all of the equipment we need for our three school based clinics and our mobile vision clinic to us at his cost and he has installed and maintains the equipment at NO cost to us. He personally drives to Las Vegas to repair equipment and will not even accept gas money. He does this because he cares about the kids. He even went to Las Angeles when we were building our mobile unit and installed the equipment on board during construction so all would be bolted down properly prior to the finish work. Again without charging us! This guy is cool. So Dr., use Tomey.”
“It was such a pleasure and honor to assist Cecil! He is an amazing person and the program is fabulous! I can’t stop singing praises for this wonderful service. I am so excited to see our students beaming in their new glasses.
Our families have always struggled with getting glasses for their students and their stories are so disheartening. I have a very small grant that allows me to send families to an outside company to get an exam and glasses if they met all of grant requirements, but most of the families do NOT meet the requirements and even if they do meet the requirements transportation is a huge struggle. Cecil was explaining that in other states you have clinics in schools and WE would love to have a clinic at our Family Resource Center. If there is anything I could do to support the possibility of a clinic, please let me know.
I am so grateful for you, Cecil and all the volunteers that make this program work for all the kids across this nation. You really are the true superheroes to the kids!
Thank you so much!”
Simplicity Meets Precision
Optical Imaging Solutions with Touch Screen Technology